This part was used to support the edge of a PCB that was adapted to a current molded product. The lathe was selected because of its ability to produce a large qty of parts quickly and efficiently.


These are ProE JPEGS of the part to be machined:

I fabricated a gang tool style tool holder using one of my Dorian quick change tool holders so that I did not have to manually change tools. Notice the groove tool inserted into the tool holder as well.


The Groove tool was used to set the length of the stock protruding from the Bison 5C collet chuck. This is a manual operation as automated bar feed is not an option on this machine. This tool was also used to profile the part.


The following images are of the drilling and c-boring operations:


Here are some pics of the completed parts. A total of 250+ parts were produced:


This is a picture of the GriffTek retrofitted EMCO Maier Compact 8 lathe used to produce these parts:


Follow these links to other machining projects:



Bill Griffin